South East View of Tamworth Castle in Warwickshire
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
To the Rt. Honble. JAMES, Earl of Northampton, & Baron Compton;
Owner of this Castle –
This Prospect is Humbly Inscribed by,
My Lord, Your Lordship’s most Obedt. humble Serv ts. Saml. & Nath l. Buck
TAMWORTH was a place held in great esteem by the Mercian Kings, on account of its pleasant situation, but being waisted by several invasions of ye Danes, it lay desolate till that renowned Lady of Mercians Ethelfleda, Daughter to K. Ufred in the year 014, restored it to its ancient splendour, raising a strong Tower upon an artificial Mount call’d the Dungeon, upon wch. Ye Castle was afterwards erected, wherein ye said Ethelfleda died XIX. Call: July. 918. Willm. the Conqr: at the latter end of his reign gave this Castle to Robt: Marmion, in wch: names & family it continued many years; afterwards it devolved to Baldnn: Mordaunt who was in great esteem with Ednd: the Black Prince, and in ye 1st: of Ric: 2d. exhibited a Claim to be ye Kings Champn: on ye Day of his Coronation and to do ye service of that office by ye tenure of this Castle. He was succeeded by Thos. Aston. Then Thosc. Ferrers 2d son to Wm: Ld: Ferrers of Gorby possess’d ye same and now belongs to James E. of Northampton, in right of the Lady Elizabeth Ferrers his present Countess.
S & N Buck Delin. et. Sculp. 1729
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