North West View of Clun Castle in Salop
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
To John Walcot Esq:
Owner of these Remains.
This Prospect is Gratefully Inscribed by,
Yr most Humble. Servts. Saml. & Nathl. Buck
CLUN CLONE or COLUN Castle so called from the River Colun or (in Welsh) Colunny; was built about K. Stephens time by Wm. Fitz Allan of Clun; so call’d for distinction sake: he became possess’d of this Lordship by right of his Wife Isabel de Say. This family was remarkable many ages for their great Estates & Dignity: at length the Earldom of Arundel came to them by Thomas Fitz Allan who was also Lord Treasurer he died 1416. About the Year 1579 the Lady Mary Fitz Allan was marry’d to Philip Howard son of Thomas Duke of Norfolk: by which means it came to that Noble Family. And from them to the Walcots who are ye present Possessors.
S & N Buck Delin. et. Sculpt. 1731.
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