Browse People
- Arkwright, Sir Richard
- Bage, Charles
- Bage, Robert
- Baskerville, John
- Beddoes, Thomas
- Boothby, Brooke
- Boulton, Matthew
- Brindley, James
- Darwin, Erasmus
- Day, Thomas
- Dudley, Dud
- Edgeworth, Maria
- Edgeworth, Richard Lovell
- Galton Jnr, Samuel
- Hutton, William
- Johnson, Samuel
- Keir, James
- Lombe, John
- Lombe, Thomas
- Murdock, William
- Priestley, Joseph
- Russell, William
- Seward, Anna
- Shenstone, William
- Small, William
- Strutt, Jedediah
- Telford, Thomas
- Watt, James
- Wedgwood, Josiah
- Wedgwood, Ralph
- Wedgwood, Thomas
- Whitehurst, John
- Wilkinson, John
- Withering, William
- Wright, Joseph
- Wyatt, James
- Wyatt, Samuel
Arkwright, Sir Richard

Letter from Erasmus Darwin to Matthew Boulton, 1783/03/04
Darwin tells Boulton he has become involved with founding a philosophical society at Derby and encourages Boulton… read more »

Sir Richard Arkwright: Industrialist
The art of portraiture was changing during the Industrial Revolution. The expansion of commerce and industry in… read more »

Sir Richard Arkwright: Industrialist
Image: Portrait of Sir Richard Arkwright (1789-1790). Joseph Wright of Derby, Oil on Canvas. Text: Olga Baird… read more »

Water Power and the Cotton Factory: Richard Arkwright at Cromford
This factory was built by Sir Richard Arkwright in 1783-84 just outside Cromford. He built the mill in an… read more »