East View of Maxtoke Castle in Warwickshire
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
To the Rt. Honble: HENRY Earl of Clarendon & Rochester, Viscount Cornbury, Viscount Hyde of Kenelworth, Baron Hyde of Hindon & Baron of Wotton Basset:
This Prospect is Humbly Inscribed by,
My Lord, Ye Lordship’s most Obedt. humble Serv ts. Saml. & Nath l. Buck.
THIS Castle was built by Galfridus de Clinton Chamberlain to K. Hen: his Nephew succeeding him, and having no Issue, sold it to K. Hen: III: who gave it to Simon Montford E: of Leicester; who marry’d Eleanor his sister; wch. Rebelling against the King was slain, and this Castle endured six months Siege, wch. In the end was surrendered, & by the King annexed as an inheritance to Edmd. his Son E: of Lancaster; 2 Eliz: gave it to Robert Dudley E: of Leicester; who bestowed much cost in repairing and adorning it; which is now in the possession of the E: of Clarendon & Rochester:
S & N Buck Delin. et. Sculp. 1729
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