East View of Nuneaton Nunnery in Warwick
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
To the Rt. Honble. THOMAS Lord Paget; Son and Heir Apparent to the Right Honble. Henry Earl of Uxbridge –
This Prospect is humbly Inscribed by his Obliged humble Servants
Sam l. & Nath l. Buck.
THIS House was founded and endow’d by Robt. E. of Leicester, son of Robt. de Mellento, in the Reign of K. Hen: II. For Benedictine Nuns of the Order of Fontevrault, and dedicated to the Honour of the Blessed Virgin; whose gifts were confirm’d by Robt. his son and by K.H.II. The Prioress and Convent of Fontevrault granted to this House privilege to receive and retain to their own proper use, all such gifts as should be made to them, without any exaction, wch. was confirm’d by Pope Alexander III.
An. Val: }259. 14. 5. Dug.
}290. 15. ½. Speed.
S. B. delin. N.B. Sculp. 1727
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