South East View of Warwick Castle in Warwick
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
To the Rt. Honble. FRANCIS Lord Brooke
Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court in the County of Warwick
Proprietor of this Castle –
This Prospect is humbly Inscribed by – his Lordship’s most Obedt. Serv ts .
Saml. & Nath l. Buck.
THE want of fortify’d places gave great occasion to the Norman Conqueror after his victory at Hastings to raise many strong Castles whereof this was none of the meanest: four houses of the Monks at Coventry being wasted for its enlargement: which when finished was committed to the custody of Hen. E Newbury, Earl of Warwick. Towards the end of K. Stephen’s reign upon the Arrival of Hen: Duke of Normandy, Gundred the Countess by force expell’d the Kings Soldiers and resign’d this Castle to the Duke, who shortly after was made King of England by the Beauchamp Earl of Warwick & Governor of this Castle, dying in the 9th of Ed. II: was succeeded by Thos. his Son, who about the 10th of Ed: III rebuilt the outer wall of the castle and also erected divers towers; but the great Tower at the North-East corner call’d Guy’s Tower was built by Thos. Earl of Warwick. Ye 17 of Richrd. II. continued in plate No. 14.
Saml. & Nath l. Buck Delin. et. Sculp. 1729
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