South View of Acton Burnell Castle in Salop
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
To John Smythe Esqr:
This Prospect is gratefully Inscribed by;
Yr: most Oblig’d Humble Servts. Saml. & Nathl. Buck.
THIS CASTLE is remarkable for the statute of Acton Burnel made here in ye XIth. of Ed. Ist. confirming & Explaining a former Act called the Stature Merchant. The Lords sat in this Castle; but the Commons are said to have sat in a Barn belonging to ye Monastery of Shrewsbury. It had its name from the Family of Burnel who possessed it from K.W. 1st till K. Hen. Vths. Time: but in Hen. VIths. Reign the Family of Lovel were Lords of Burnel. It was seized by K.H. VIIth & given to Jasper Earl of Bedford for Life. K. Hen. VIII. Gave it to Thomas Howard Earl of Surry afterwards created Duke of Norfolk. Sr. Richard Smythe Bart. is the Present Owner thereof.
S & N Buck Delin. et. Sculpt. 1731.
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