South West View of Wenlock Abbey in Salop
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
To William Dilke Esqr: owner of this Castle;
This Prospect is Humbly Inscribed by;
Yor: Obedt. humble Serv ts. Saml. & Nath l. Buck.
THIS Castle was built by Wm. De Clinton in a quadrangle forme, ye 19 of Ednd. III: who having no issue gave it to his Nephew John de Clinton, wch. After many years continuance in that family pass’d to Humphrey E. of Staffordshire, who bestowed much cost in beautifying the same. In the 13. of Hen. VIII: this Castle with the Manors thereto belonging were granted to Sr. Wm. Compton Kt. who had one son Peter; but at his death ye K: thinking he left no issue, gave it to Ednd. Ld. Clinton, who in consideration of 70. Stert. assigned it to ye sd. Peter Compton; Afterwards sold to Sr. T. Egerton Kt. Keeper of ye great Seal; of whom Sr. Thos. Dilk Kt. purchas’d it 412 Eliz: in which Family it now remains.
S & N Buck Delin. et. Sculp. 1729
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