West View of Shrewsbury Abbey
Source: Samuel & Nathaniel Buck, Views of Ruins of Castles & Abbeys in England, Part 2, 1726-1739 (nd), Arts, Languages and Literature, Birmingham Central Library.
Text: Taken from the original source
ROGER De MONTGOMERY made by K. Willm. 1st for his Fidelity & Military Atchievements, E. of Shrewsbury, Arundel &c. founded this Mitred Abby for the Benedictines about the year 1083 to the Honour of St. Peter and St. Paul & dedicated the Church to St. Gregory or as others say to St. Giles. In his declining Age he quitted a Military Life and by consent of his Wife was shorn a Monk and spent the remainder of his Days in this Abby. He was here interr’d An. 1094. He endow’d it with Ample Possessions to which his son and Heir Hugh gave others with a heavy Curse on the Violaters. The Kings Hen. 1st & Stephen added to these & confirm’d their former Estates and Liberties. Among other great noble Benefactors we find Matilda daughter & Heiress to Walter de Clifford Watchclinus, Maminot, Willielmus Peverel & Rich. Fitz-Alan. King Hen. IIId. in his 11th year confirm’d all these their Revenues and Priviledges – The present owner is Edward Baldwin Esqr. An. Val. £132. 4s. 10d. Dug. £615. 4.3d. Speed. Ex. Lel:
S & N Buck Delin. et. Sculpt. 1731.
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